Kyoto Kagaku Gluteus Maximus Injection Simulator

Kyoto Kagaku Gluteus Maximus Injection Simulator

Gluteus Maximus Injection Simulator
This simulator is designed to practice in the three ways of injection into the buttocks. It is made of a special resin that allows this model to be repeatedly injected without leaving a trace. The equipped indicator shows the accuracy of needle tip positioning and depth.


  • The model is made from three individual layers: skin, muscular and skeleton.
  • The model is designed for three methods: dorsogruteal site, Hochstetter’s point and Clark’s point.
  • Attached indicator shows the accuracy of injection. If the injection spot is correct, the syringe can inject liquid.
  • It allows palpating the landmarks such as greater trochanter, superior anterior illiac spine, posterior superior illiac spine and sacrum.
  • Both skin and muscle are replaceable.
Training Skills:
  • Gluteus maximus injection
Set includes
  • 1 main body
  • 1 stand for Hohashtayter method
  • 1 controller
  • 1 set of sensor pads
Manikin size: 12.6 x 13.8 x 7.9 in



Gluteus Maximus Injection Simulator
This simulator is designed to practice in the three ways of injection into the buttocks. It is made of a special resin that allows this model to be repeatedly injected without leaving a trace. The equipped indicator shows the accuracy of needle tip positioning and depth.


  • The model is made from three individual layers: skin, muscular and skeleton.
  • The model is designed for three methods: dorsogruteal site, Hochstetter’s point and Clark’s point.
  • Attached indicator shows the accuracy of injection. If the injection spot is correct, the syringe can inject liquid.
  • It allows palpating the landmarks such as greater trochanter, superior anterior illiac spine, posterior superior illiac spine and sacrum.
  • Both skin and muscle are replaceable.
Training Skills:
  • Gluteus maximus injection
Set includes
  • 1 main body
  • 1 stand for Hohashtayter method
  • 1 controller
  • 1 set of sensor pads
Manikin size: 12.6 x 13.8 x 7.9 in